Marcus Morandi
Marcus Morandi as a Business Administrator managed several different companies. At the top of his career he was the Marketing Director of an important multinational company in the area of International Maritime Transportation. During his Professional life he worked for more than a dozen different companies. He was a micro entrepeneur with his first experience when he was twenty five years of age at a car rental company created with his own resources. After this first experience he resumed his first career as an executive . After many years he became again an entrepeneur in other five different areas and activities acting also as an Independent Consultant. In his youth he belonged to the cadres of the Brazilian Army as a temporary officer. It was then when he had the first contact with skydiving, when he concluded the basic course of the elite troop of the Parachuting Brigade. During his long Professional journey he acquired knowledge with a global and systemic view of several models of many working organizations. Meanwhile Marcus Morandi divides his time regularly by travelling among Brasil(RJ,SP,ES ), United States (Houston, Texas) and Europe by having a chance to travel every now and then to many other places. That gave him a micro and macro economic vision of various markets related to his Professional history. In 2013 he joined once more the world of Skydiving but this time as a sportsman in a different way from that when he was a military. Currently he is living the phantastic sensation of the free fall and solo flights. Because of his ground determination and dedication, he achieved a great evolution due to an intensive training in Brazil and abroad as well. As a great admirer of sports, he adopted the Skydiving as a life style. That generated an inner transformation in his life. He realized that there are values by practising that Sport which has a lot to do with the foundation that makes a person to achieve Success in his life's Projects. Marcus Morandi has the objective to bring to the Corporate World and to peoples´ lives that relevant relationship, by means of lectures or Consultation. He also intends to link some brands and products in various publicity itens and the media in general sites , displaying the images generated by his jumps in many parts of the world showing scenaries simply overwhelming . Marcus Morandi has more than 2.000 jumps , licensed coach BBF by Confederação Brasileira de Paraquedismo (CBPq) and by United States Parachute Association (USPA). Marcus also underwent specialized Tandem Pilot training in the US and Brazil.
+ than 2000 jumps
+ than 31 countries